22 South 4th Ave, Ste #303 Brighton CO 80601 Email: ctba@cotba.com Phone
#303-294-0260 Fax #720-230-4563
Membership Application
Colorado Thoroughbred Breeders Association
22 South 4th Avenue, Suite 102
Brighton, CO 80601
Phone: 303-294-0260
Fax: 720-230-4563
Email: ctba@cotba.com
First Name_____________________________ Middle Name___________________________ Last Name_____________________________ Social Sec. #___________________________ Date of Birth___________________________ Spouse First Name______________________ Spouse Middle Name_____________________ Spouse Last Name_______________________ Spouse Social Sec. #_____________________ Spouse Date of Birth______________________ Company/Partnership Name _______________ ______________________________________ Federal Tax ID# ________________________ Address 1 _____________________________ Address 2_____________________________ City__________________________________ State_________________________________ Zip__________________________________
Home Phone #_________________________ Business Phone #_______________________ Mobile Phone #_________________________ FAX #________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________
REGULAR $55 * Must own or be part owner of at least one Thoroughbred horse maintained for racing or breeding in Colorado. LIFETIME $600 * Same as Above ASSOCIATE $40 * Cannot own or be part owner of any Thoroughbred horse maintained for racing or breeding in Colorado. Will have NO voting rights. # of Mares ____________________________ # of Stallions __________________________ # of Foals _____________________________
Thank-you again for taking the time to fill out the new form. C.T.B.A. Office