22 South 4th Ave, Ste #303 Brighton CO 80601 Email: ctba@cotba.com Phone #303-294-0260 Fax #720-230-4563
The 2024’s Race Season at
Arapahoe Park is HERE!!
September 6th - November 10th, 2024
CTBA Owners & Breeders - IMPORTANT please visit the “Dates to Remember” page for the payment schedule on our Stakes Races.
(Nominations are due 9 days prior to the race and turned in at Arapahoe Park, NOT the CTBA office. Entry fee is still 7 days prior to race day. Entry fee is $500.00 for this racing season.)
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the office 303-294-0260.
Reminder - We have moved our offices from Suite #102 to the 3rd Floor - Suite #303. Please make sure to list the new suite number when you send us your mail.
Photo’s Courtesy of Menoken Farms